Weten welke reis bij jou past? Doe de quiz! Sluit je aan bij avontuurlijke groepsreizen voor reizigers tussen de 18 en 32 jaar. 

Let op - er wordt volop geboekt. Stel je beslissing dus niet te lang uit. Elk jaar moeten we mensen teleurstellen die nét te lang hebben gewacht. 

Lastminute singlereizen en jongerenreizen


Simi Reizen works together with many different companies in Europa and the United States. If you are interested in working together with Simi Reizen on offering tours or products to your country, region or company, feel free to contact us with a detailed layout of your company profile, the tours you can offer etc.

We are currently specifically looking into working with partners who are offering:

  • Diving holidays
  • Surfing holidays
  • Cruises (island to island)

And/or in the following regions:

  • USA - California / Utah / Arizona
  • USA - Seattle area / Canada
  • Portugal
  • Norway
  • Svalbard
  • Slovakia
  • Czech Republic
  • Italy (coast)
  • France (coast)

About Simi Reizen

Simi Reizen is a small touroperator based in the Netherlands. Our target groups are people between the ages of 16 and 35. We offer primarily active holidays and roundtrips, currently mainly in Europe and starting in 2016 we do offer some trips to the USA as well.

Customers who book with Simi Reizen are:

  • Active
  • Interested in culture and nature
  • Booking a group holiday
  • Flexible

Simi Reizen caters for around 1000 clients each year concentrated in the summer season. Over the past few years as a company we have won several prizes and awards as the best touroperator organising youth travel, the best touroperator in active holidays and as company with the best tourguides, based on our customers evaluations.

As you can imagine, we are very proud of our achievements so far and to continue our future expansion, we are looking forward to working with new partners all over the world who can offer trips where we can drive volume and that are interesting to our clientele.

For working together, please contact me at robbert @ www.simi-reizen.nl. Please note that we can not respond to all requests, but feel free to drop me a line!

FAM trips and new locations

Please keep in mind that before making any decision on new locations, trips and tours, we will need to visit the actual locations.

Meer over:

studenten groepsreizen
jongeren reis

jongeren groepsreis

zomerkampen 15, 16, 17 jaar